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PAR Louisiana

PAR Louisiana

Public Relations
Web Design
Web Development

Rebrand a legacy institution? We got this.

PAR is an (already iconic) policy research powerhouse that’s known statewide as a truly unbiased institution. They provide impartial data regarding state policy to the general public in easy-to-understand terms making what goes on in the Capitol accessible to all Louisianians. PAR was founded in 1950 so it was important for our rebrand to honor the past, while making way for new generations of thought leaders.

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They wanted the brand to say, “we’re modern but historic…unbiased and forward-thinking…proud of our home…”

Our artistic interpretation of the organization communicates strength, democracy and the state we love so dearly. We worked with a green color palette to double down on PAR’s most valued pillar — independence.

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Want to see their new look in action? Take a look here!